Entries by Shea Vassar

Contact the Interior Department about Bears Ears

As the first national monument proposed by a coalition of Tribal Nations, Bears Ears gained protections under the Obama administration but lost protections under the Trump administration. The five Tribes of the Bears Ears Commission (BEC) — Navajo Nation, Hopi Tribe, Ute Indian Tribe, Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, and the Zuni Tribe — are among the many Tribal Nations with deep […]

Protect Sovereign Rights and Continue to Allow Access to Florida’s Big Cypress National Preserve for the Miccosukee Tribe Now

The Biden administration has been doing a good job at providing many ways for Tribal communities to exercise self-determination, protecting our sacred places, creating opportunities for Tribal co-management of land and water, and restoring dignity by removing racist and misogynistic names from land and buildings across the country. Still, while President Biden has made important […]

Indigenous Leaders Call for Compassionate Release of Leonard Peltier

For Immediate Release: April 15, 2024 Rapid City, SD – In light of the severe health conditions and medical needs of longtime Indigenous political prisoner Leonard Peltier, NDN Collective and Native Organizers Alliance are asking Attorney General Merrick Garland to free Peltier through compassionate release. “At the 2022 White House Tribal Nations Summit, Attorney General Merrick Garland stood in front […]

Women’s History Month

Every March is Women’s History Month and this year, we uplifted four women–both past and present–who have been vital in the Native Vote. While the month might be over, we know it is important to lift up the matriarchs around Indian Country 365 days a year. Zitkála-Šá Zitkála-Šá was born on the Yankton Indian Reservation […]

Tell Congress: Pass the Indian Programs Advance Appropriations Act

Right-wing members of Congress have used annual government funding bills as a political football — threatening government shutdowns in an attempt to push through their wildly unpopular policy ideas including attacks on communities bearing the brunt of systemic racism and exploitation as well as cuts to critical programs and services. All this month, Congress is […]

NOA Supports New Bill to protect Kuskokwim River

  Native Organizers Alliance praises bill to protect “Indigenous ways of life” Washington, DC—The “Balance for the Kuskokwim River Act” was introduced today in Alaska that would protect the Kuskokwim River’s water quality and prioritize the customary and traditional subsistence lifestyle of the Alaska Native people of the region under the Federal Clean Water Act. […]

NOA Responds to the Biden Administration’s Pause on LNG Approvals

Recently, the Biden administration announced their decision to pause pending approvals for all exports of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). The pause will be in effect while the Department of Energy (DOE) conducts a public interest determination that will include an analysis of the impacts of climate change and the harms to Native communities. Too often, […]

Native Organizers Alliance 2023 in Review

Download our 2023 Annual Report here. It’s a new year! And while we are preparing for the upcoming events of 2024, we also know it is important to reflect on the various accomplishments of the previous 365 days. While so much of our organizing includes on-the-ground trainings, email campaigns, and education, Native Organizers Alliance was […]