Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline Now!

A fully operational Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) is projected to bring 570,000 more barrels of oil to market, resulting in the yearly release of over 100 million metric tons of CO2 — a greenhouse gas responsible for accelerating climate change. This is equal to the annual emissions of nearly 30 coal plants, or over 21 million cars.

But this isn’t just about health and safety, it’s also about Tribal rights. Sovereignty, honor, and respect for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe is being denied each day that the pipeline continues to have oil flowing through it.

We must protect Mother Earth. We cannot choose to increase our dependence on extracted oil, rather than developing renewable resources.

The Standing Rock Sioux should have been consulted concerning this abrogation of unceded and sovereign territory rights. Sovereignty, honor and respect for the Sioux Nation is being recklessly denied each day that building of the pipeline continues.

Read more and send your comment demanding the Army Corps of Engineers shut down the Dakota Access Pipeline now.

a picture of the totem pole from the Red Road to DC trip in 2021. It is sitting outside of the Standing Rock Tribe's Administration building and there are a few tribal members on horseback nearby.