Native Vote

Empowering Indian Country to Vote

Native peoples play a crucial role in local, state, and national elections, with the Native vote being pivotal in determining the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. Voting gives Indian Country a voice in policies and issues that impact our communities, including those related to the environment, healthcare, the economy, and education. Voting is also a way we can protect tribal sovereignty and our Indigenous rights, which can be threatened or strengthened by the outcome of an election.

Natives Vote 2024

NOA is partnering with IllumiNative to make it easier for you to vote. Click the link below and you can register to vote, update your voter registration information, and learn more about your local races… all in one place. Make sure to check out the resources page and so you can help spread the word about the importance of the Native vote.

Making the Voting Process Easier and Accessible

NOA collaborates with Native-led organizations and tribes to encourage voting across Indian Country. We engage our network of Indigenous grassroots organizers to work within their communities to share information, such as key dates, polling locations, in-person and mail-in voting information, and research. This work is intended to make the voting process easier and more accessible to Native voters. We also partner with IllumiNative, Native American Rights Fund (NARF), and the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) to advocate for Native representation at all levels of government and fight against policies that hinder Native peoples’ right to vote. 

Indigenous Futures Survey

In 2024, NOA and partners conducted the third annual Indigenous Futures Survey to capture Indigenous peoples’ perspectives and concerns around issues and policies impacting Indian Country.

Learn more.

Native American Rights Voting Act

NOA is a member of the NAVRA Coalition, which advocates for the re-introduction and passage of the Native American Voting Rights Act (NAVRA). This bill seeks to remove voting barriers that unfairly impact Native communities.

Native Organizing Fellowship Program

NOA works with our network of Indigenous grassroots organizers to share resources and information in key voting states. We are currently accepting applications to hire organizing fellows for the upcoming 2024 U.S. elections this November.

Learn more and apply.