The Natives Vote 2024 Website is Live!

Native Organizers Alliance and IllumiNative have officially launched!

Visit the Natives Vote campaign website to check your voter registration, register to vote, find information on candidates and more.

To ensure that Native voices are heard loud and clear in the upcoming elections, we have expanded our 2024 Natives Vote campaign to cover 12 states with large Native populations — including states with barriers to voting like strict voter ID laws.

We’re connecting with Tribal leaders and Native community groups, putting 200 moccasins on the ground in Alaska, Arizona, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Washington, and Wisconsin. Our Natives Vote Fellows will be canvassing their communities to get people registered to vote and provide voter education materials.

Keep an eye out for resources and Natives Vote materials and swag that will be available through